Saturday, July 25, 2009

...a name.

I just realized I have never shared that we settled on a name for our sweet girl. I am getting settled back in to our routine at home since we returned early in this week. We caught up with family (my sister pointed out that this baby was only a month old and had been on vacation for half her life), caught up with work, saw the midwife (11lbs 5 ozs), and are throwing a six year olds birthday party. After I get a chance to breath again I look forward to a date with my computer. I want to answer the emails of all the people that have sent me their love and best wishes. And mostly I want to write. I had fallen in love with blogging. It was such a lovely part of waiting for Lola... Oh yah her name.

Lola Skye Dexie Walker

There is a long story behind the name and I will blog about that too... The summer is slipping by though and I will not be a slave to commitments when we have such a short sweet chance to feel the freedom of the long days of this glorious season in Northern Alberta.

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