Monday, August 31, 2009

...the end of our first summer vacation.

Tomorrow is the last day of summer vacation 2009... Our first real school vacation for Meg. It has been short. In some ways we are all craving the return of some routine to our lives but in quite another we are already feeling the loss of our freedom. So in a show of true rebellion we have spent the last week in carefree abandon. Maintaining our late bedtimes and erratic eating patterns. I thought I would be using the last few weeks of summer to work ourselves into the routine needed for our early morning start at school. But instead I decided not to "waste" two weeks easing us into a routine when we should still be enjoying our all too short summer. Even tonight Meg settled into her bed after 10pm. And now on the eve of our last day I am wondering what we should do to squeeze out the last few drops of sweet summer nectar. It almost feels like a panic. We MUST make the most of the day. Like the last day should encapsulate all that is summer. A bike ride, a swim, a play in the park, a bbq and of course some ice cream. But what about the other part of summer I love so much. Doing absolutely nothing... A day spent in our little backyard, kiddie pool filled, camp chairs with cupholders and a fortrel picnic blanket for the kicky babe to squirm around on. I wonder what will win out...

I'll let you know.

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