Sunday, January 31, 2010

...something that is 36.

Today is that last day of a long month of celebration for our family. Birthdays and anniversaries seem to fall one on top of the other. My parents would have been married for 45 years this month. We have been married for 16. 16 years... This isn't monkey business anymore. 16 years is serious stuff. We had known each other just a few months when we got hitched. And now... 16 years. Did I say that already? I'm amazed.

But the reason for today's celebrating is my baby sister. Today is the day that 36 years ago my mom became a mother to her fourth daughter. The baby. The last of her brood. This is the baby that she wanted to rock and cuddle and hold for hours. To soak up her last drink of mothering a baby. I don't actually believe that my baby sister was ever still for long enough to be held for any length of time. I should have been her last baby. I wanted nothing more than to be in my mothers arms. Still do.

All things being fair I should have blogged about my other sisters on their birthdays. But... isn't always fair. And the reason that I was compelled to share this day is because it is close to my heart right now. I feel deeply akin to the woman that my mother was when she was basking in the joy of this, her last baby. My best guess is that Lola will be our last baby. And that means that she will be the baby of our family. Meg's baby sister. Just as Kathy is to me.

When Lola was born and I brought her up and into my arms I was immediately filled with a sense of peace. I know that I would have loved a son. That our lives would have been turned upside down by it, in a good way. But I have to admit that I cannot imagine a life without sisters.

Happy Birthday baby sister. And Happy "Birth" Day warrior mama to four pretty fantastic girls.


  1. I am so glad you think about the "Birth" day on the Birthdays. I have always done that and I think there are 2 boys (men these days) who have heard many times the story of their "birth" days'

  2. Hilary, maybe it has something to do with bearing witness to so many births. You just can’t watch that transformation from maiden to mother without having new “eyes” about those days. Your “men” are pretty amazing guys. Sharing your “birth”day story with them must have had a positive impact.

  3. Do you remember Uncle Jack---the out cast of the family. We were sharing the site. I have not had the privlege of sharing words before this time---your mother is here!!!!!!!!!!! She said to say 0nly certain words. Love you--Uncle jack and Auntie Lynn And MoM

  4. awesome.
    I love the post. I loved the all three comments.
    I am smiling.
